Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires.

Dr. Philip Kotler defines marketing as “the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.  Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and services.”

Most of the people wondering what is marketing, how is it working and difficult question is what is the exact meaning of Marketing, how to do it to get desired results?

In this blog we will explore the marketing, best marketing framework leads to mass trust, natural sales effectively.

Most people consider marketing as an activity of informing about the product or service, nicely designed flyers or running tv ads or display ads but don’t know how to do it? when to do it? where to do it? and how to grab the results from the marketing?

In this article I will try to explore the real meaning of marketing, the best of marketing, generating the two way communication, trust building and sales for the people like me who want to know about marketing, its way to do it properly.

Marketing is a science not just creativity, making one liners, marketing is the science to understand the people’s behavior, needs and construct the ways to spark people’s mind in a way so they attracted towards products or service to purchase it. Marketing is the scientific way of communication, making a strong perception and reach out to the potential customers at right time with right message. Once marketing done at right time it connects people emotionally, make the product better in a way to make it Brand. Branding is the process of creating a unique image of the product in the minds of the customer and establish a differentiated presence in the market with the intent to retain the customer loyalty.

Marketing starts when products or services are being produced and its key components are Advertisement, Copywriting, awareness and selling leading to make brand means make product or service good to make sell itself.

To do marketing, become brand its necessary to understand global & economics so product or service get enough chance to survive all odds as a brand with the help of trust, loyalty. To understand economics means you need to identify who are the people who has enough purchasing capacity, their life style and what they need so you can make a good product or service and reach out to them at right place, right time with right message. Its most important thing in marketing to understand economic cycle, purchase power and need of the people to make them customer.

Effective marketing means doing a communication. Communication is the key so as a marketer you need to tell your thoughts effectively so people can understand easily what is the message, for that we need to think like people talk to each other, in their language. It is necessary to think in the global & primary local language, write a lot, writing every thought and make communication in a way that anyone can understand each message easily with the help of one liners, rhymes.

Marketing is the source of running any business as its give quick return of investment. As a owner, founder you should be good marketer. If you know marketing, how to sell things means you have a safe career, businesses as ultimately every business needs the marketing. 

From last many years marketing done by two ways, Traditional & Digital marketing. Traditional marketing is done from TV, Radio, News papers for generic products, services to create awareness, make a customer base with various offers, campaigns. In traditional marketing you reach out to the people in which targeting particular people means customer little bit difficult. Digital Marketing is done to reach out at particular people by content, ad campaigns. 

When you run ads you don’t know ad will work or not, sometimes even experienced ad agencies, marketing people say brand awareness not measurable so when you create an ad to encourage people to take a specific action is known as Direct Response Marketing. An ad on tv, news paper with phone number are the examples of direct response marketing, ad of Google or Facebook to leading page to share our info, to get more info, offer also a kind of direct response marketing.

As a marketer doing only a traditional or digital marketing is not enough, you must need to integrate everything to get the results. To do integrated marketing we should create a content that give answers, info about people’s questions, needs by blog or website which we share it on social media handles then we do SEO, social media marketing to get engagements and to get boost in it we do paid ads by Google, Facebook so we can build a email list to reach out via email which ultimately create awareness, attraction and trust towards service or product leads to sales. This cycle runs continuously. Below is the infographic so you can get an idea.

Once you start the integrated marketing you can build a Brand for that we need to be best or no.1 as people always like the best. To become the best we need to decide where & how to compete, in which category and make an impact to the customers like toothpaste means Colgate, luxury car means BMW, Mercedes, Chocolate means dairy milk means select your proper strength to be the best.

So, this whole journey of understanding marketing, ways of do it marketing to become a brand with help of integrated marketing gives us very unique ”CATT Marketing Funnel & Framework”.

In this CATT framework we can create a wealth by selecting our Niche or category. Selecting a Niche or category should be the combo of our talent, passion and market. If you have passion for photography then learn the professional photography and utilize your passion, learning by doing professional photography in marriages, events, sports but not by doing taking selfie as it has no value. Check the infographic.

In CATT framework C leads to create a content which is useful to attract the people though Blog, Social media post or website, webinars, eBooks. 

— A leads to Attention to our content by SEO, Social media, Paid ads and referrals.

— T leads to Build trust through marketing automation, retargeting and continuous two way communication.

— T leads to convert leads into paid customers with Natural sales method.

Let’s go to real matrix of the marketing means earning money, return on investment. If we want to earn 10,00000 we can sell 1,000 rupees product to 10,0000 people or 2,000 rupees product to 5,0000 or 1,00,000 rupee product to 10 people. Use this calculation for one crore, ten crore and counting….

We can see the CATT marketing framework as an infographic.

Let me explain something about Personal Branding. Personal branding means Be a best known through CATT framework as people like to hear from people. Bill gates, Steve jobs known for their brilliance, creating personal computers, email and various products. They are know to creating the value for the world. Warren Buffet in the filed of investment as they create a value, give solutions from various platforms, recent example of personal brand is influencers on Instagram. 

To become a personal brand we should learn new skills or enhanced our skills to become a master through concepts, procedures then finding facts to do continuous practice. Once we started getting new Skills we should implement in the real world to give the results by doing job, freelancing or creating own projects and derive what kind of value we can give through our Skills in terms of services or products. Its time to create a content by blog or website how we get the knowledge, skills and what kind of impact, value we can give to the world so people comes to know about our work level and connect with us which is start of becoming personal brand. When people see your Skills, your work experience and practical impact they may contact you to assist them by consulting them then using CATT marketing framework we should connect with people and assist them, show people the path to get skills and doing handholding to make the journey successful for them, their service and products.

 When we create a value to the world by our Skills, content and practical work, reaching to the people by blog or website it creates a mass trust among the people and once trust is there people automatically buy your services, products and ask for the paid consulting known as Natural sales. So personal branding, mass trust is also a cycle within the CATT framework. See the infographic below for more clarification.

1 thought on “Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires.”

  1. Alguien necesariamente ayudará a hacer publicaciones críticas, podría decir. ¿Es la primera vez que frecuenté la página de su sitio web y hasta ahora? Me asombró el análisis que hiciste para hacer que esta publicación en particular fuera increíble. ¡Magnífica tarea!

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