Why Video Marketing is important?

Video Marketing

Now a days attention span of the people is quick and short. If you can’t address something quickly your audience may loose attention which affect your marketing, sales.

People may not read whole blog, lengthy social media posts but people may read things with images or watch videos. Instagram reels, TikTok short videos change the game of video marketing, change the way how say the things quickly.

We say image can speak thousand words, image can explain things quickly so video can speak more thousand words in which you can listen words, who is speaking words, why is these words can be seen, Ultimately why, what and when can be listened, seen at one place which brings engagements. From the starting of marketing 30 to 60 sec. TV ads, video ads are crucial for products, services.

Here are the reasons why video marketing is growing.
1. On all social media video post have higher organic search and double engagements compare to other posts.
2. As per various marketing research more than 80% internet users show more than 2 videos and they like to see video content from their favorite products, businesses.
3. Compare to image post, blogs, video can connect the people personally, emotionally which leads to more engagements, sales. Watching videos takes very less time, nicely made video can say the all things with 60 to 120 secs. so people like to share more which brings more audience, business.

All platforms promoting long to short videos, through various video with good script, explanation it will address brand awareness, can answers people’s questions quickly, videos can be viewed quickly which makes video marketing one of the must do things in marketing & sales.

After the rise of smart phones, platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram reels doing video marketing is easy and anyone can to it based on his style and convenient.

I can say that we all are watching video tv ads from childhood, we like to see quick videos on various platforms, video can be made easily, there are platforms which are free so you can reach to your audience with engaging unique style so video marketing is the only way to get more sales, grow your business.

Do video marketing for more visibility, engagements and results.

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