Why you must invest on Google Ads & Facebook ads to grow your business?

You may ask me why I am saying must or you are thinking that I must be crazy that I am saying about investment not in stock, real estate, Gold or precious antique but in Ads.

While we are watching TV, YouTube or reading news papers most people don’t like to watch or see the ads but same time there are so many ads go viral, make a mass impact so product or service get the grand success and become a brand. So if ad is crispy, to the point, entertaining and has value for the people it helps business grow faster and generate great amount in revenue. That is why making an ads, running ads are important part of any business.

Some years ago marketers don’t have any idea what is the impact of ads running on TV, print ad, hoarding and banners so there were only assumptions. On internet you can get real matrics on your marketing efforts, ads thanks to Google ads, Facebook ads. Google ads & Facebook ads gives a power to select their audience, demographics, time slots even the cost. These helps you how to do marketing & build a brand.

By Google ads, Facebook ads you ca reach to your real potential consumers with audience targeting by demographics, interests, behaviours, and more on Facebook and selecting keywords with some demographics targeting capabilities on Google ads. So your first problem is resolved that was faced in case on traditional marketing that you are reaching directly to your potential customer, audience means you are on the way to sell more means more profit.

The second benefit of Internet ads over traditional ads is the cost. For traditional ads you have to pay for every view, placements whether it is helpful or not while on Google ads, Facebook ads you are paying for the clicks only from your audience which can be measured. By watching traditional ads your consumer can’t reach you directly so its not useful for potential lead generation while Google ads & Facebook ads has a module where your consumer will reach to your directly through your website, email or just fill the form from the ads which is helpful to start the conversion, get more potential leads directly.

When your audience, consumer interacting with your traditional ads you can’t measure his interest for your service or products, your consumer buy the product or not. Google ads, Facebook ads empowers you & your audience, consumer directly interact with your website buy something, shopping ads empowers consumer get the product directly.

Traditional advertisement charge you more as per timing, events etc. so you don’t have the control on timing and cost while Google ads, Facebook ads empower you selecting the time and cost, Also if your ad is user friendly, ad has some value by product or service you may pay less as Google, Facebook care of users & their convenience.

When you invest in stock, real estate or Gold you see the value, opportunity and conclude ROI (return on investment) so you can get benefit that is what investment where you grab the opportunity. Same way Google ads, Facebook ads empowers you to select your target audience, time, cost which n be measured so you have knowledge what is working and what is not so you can get more opportunities directly to grow your business which leads to branding, trust to your products, services.

Ultimately, considering all above benefits, power of selection, right competition you should invest in Google ads, Facebook ads. I hope now you know why I have used must. I look forward to know your thoughts, suggestions.

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